USAF USN Patch Rescue NATO KAF Role 3 MMU Critical Care 2016


USAF Patch Rescue NATO KAF Role 3 MMU Critical Care USN Multi National Kandahar Afghanistan 2016 Embroidered on twill cut edge 102mm by 89mm four inches by three and one half inches. Free shipping

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USAF Patch Rescue NATO KAF Role 3 MMU Critical Care USN Multi National Kandahar Afghanistan 2016 Embroidered on twill cut edge 102mm by 89mm four inches by three and one half inches.

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With International Security Assistance Force ISAF operations expanding from Kabul in 2005 Canadian Forces Health Services CFHS was assigned command and the task of establishing the NATO Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit R3 MMU for the Canadian operational area of Kandahar Province at Kandahar Airfield Afghanistan in late 2005 to take over ISAF surgical and medical trauma support from a surgical detachment of a US Army Combat Support Hospital that had been deployed under Operation Enduring Freedom. CFHS arranged the construction of facilities and the training and deployment of multinational military hospital rotational contingents with clinicians and specialists from United States United Kingdom Denmark Netherlands Australia and New Zealand and staffed by Canadian Forces.

NATO Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit is the primary trauma receiving and referral center for all combat casualties in Southern Afghanistan providing the highest level of care available within the combat zone prior to transfer out of theatre to Role 4 and 5 hospitals for long term care and rehabilitation. CFHS established 2 operating theatres 6 ICU beds with one for recovery 14 trauma bays including 8 for surge capability 12 ward beds including 4 for surge capability one isolation room for infectious disease or detainees X ray department Laboratory and blood bank Dental section with 2 dentists Psychological medical section Preventative medical section and Pharmacy extra capacity was available with overflow to Role 1 facilities. Increasing attacks and IED from a resurgent Taliban increased casualties and the ability to provide quick high quality medical interventions from the battlefield to hospital saved many lives.

CFHS handed over command to the US Navy on 15 October 2009 after successful deployment of eight rotational contingents. With increasing Taliban attacks the US Navy oversaw the construction of new rocket proof buildings and sate of the art facilities increasing to three operating rooms a procedure room a fully equipped emergency department intensive care unit and two CT scanners. NATO clinicians and specialists from Canada United Kingdom Australia the Netherlands Romania and other Coalition partners continued within the US Navy contingents running through to Oscar Rotation completing its six month tour in September 2016.



This patch dates from 2016.