USAF Patch Fighter d 4756 Air Defence Squadron Langley F 101 F 106


USAF Patch 4756 Air Defence Squadron Weapons Fighter Interceptor Training F 101 Voodoo F 102 Delta Dagger F 106 Delta Dart Langley AFB 1960 Full Emb cut edge 106 by 100mm four and three sixteenth by four inches

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SKU: 1P 02US 4USA 04WIN 2OP 4756SQ 01 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,

USAF Patch 4756 Air Defence Squadron Weapons Fighter Interceptor Training F 101 Voodoo F 102 Delta Dagger F 106 Delta Dart Langley AFB 1960 Fully Embroidered cut edge 106mm by 100mm four and three sixteenth inches by four inches.

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Squadron History

4756 Air Defense Squadron Weapons was activated at Moody AFB on 18 February 1955 equipped with F 86 Sabre fighter aircraft assigned to 4756 Air Defense Group to provide interceptor pilots with advanced weapons training to evaluate and improve rocketry proficiency. The Squadron regularly participated in the William Tell World Wide Weapons Meets 4756 ADSW relocated to Tyndall AFB along with 4756 Air Defense Group on 1 July 1960 when Air Defense Command assumed the crew training mission for ADC interceptor crews from Air Training Command with Moody AFB relinquishing its interceptor training to become a consolidated pilot training base. The Squadron reequipped with F 102 Delta Dagger interceptors.

4756 Air Defense Squadron Weapons and 4756 Air Defense Group participated in Operation Southern Tip in April 1961 deploying six F 102 Delta Dagger aircraft to Homestead AFB Florida in a two week test of a contingency plan to augment air defense forces in Southern Florida in face of the potential threat from Cuba with two F 102s maintained on armed five minute alert status. Following the Bay of Pigs Invasion on 17 April 1961 the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed that Operation Southern Tip continue indefinitely. The 4756 Air Defense Group contribution was reduced to three aircraft in mid May 1961 due to the impact of the extended deployment on its training and testing mission. 482 Fighter Interceptor Squadron then assumed the mission from the Group on 1 July 1961. Elements of the Group assumed an air defense alert mission during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 initially Tyndall AFB placed a total of 60 F 101 F 102 and F 106 aircraft on alert. On 19 November 1962 the alert was reduced to eight F 102s and TF 102s on strip alert with the remainder released to resume training and testing. The Group established a Detachment at Key West Naval Air Station to perform the air defense alert mission.

4756 Air Defense Squadron was redesignated 4756 Combat Crew Training Squadron on 15 November 1962 and added F 106 Delta Dart and F 101 Voodoo fighter interceptor aircraft to its training fleet. The Squadron continued to provide fighter interceptor aircraft training for pilots radar observers and instructor upgrade deployed operationally ready aircrews for local air defense alerts continually reviewed fighter interceptor flight manuals and weapons manuals to keep the documents abreast of aircraft and tactical developments and supported activities of the Air Defense Weapons Center collocated at Tyndall with target towing and weapon test missions. 4756 Combat Crew Training Squadron was reassigned direct to 4756 Air Defense Wing Training when 4756 Air Defense Group Weapons was inactivated on 1 January 1963.

4756 CCTS was reassigned to Air Defense Weapons Center on 1 January 1968 and was inactivated on 1 September 1974 when it was redesignated 2 Fighter Interceptor Training Squadron.


This patch dates from 1960.