USAF Patch ANG 116 TFW Tactical Fighter Wing F 105 Thunderchief a


USAF Patch ANG 116 TFW Tactical Fighter Wing F 105 Thunderchief 1979 Georgia Air National Guard Dobbins AFB Emb on twill 76 by 91mm three by three and nine sixteenth inches

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SKU: 1P 02US 4USA 02WIN 1CR 116TFW 02 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

USAF Patch ANG 116 TFW Tactical Fighter Wing F 105 Thunderchief 1979 Georgia Air National Guard Dobbins AFB Embroidered on twill cut edge 76mm by 91mm three inches by three and nine sixteenth inches.

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Controlled 128 Tactical Fighter Squadron.


This patch dates from 1979.