USAF Patch ANG 102 ARRS Aerospace Rescue Recovery Squadron CSAR c


USAF Patch ANG 102 ARRS Aerospace Rescue Recovery Sq 1980 HH 3E Jolly Green Giant HC 130P Combat King NY Air National Guard F emb mer 88 by 77mm three and seven sixteenth by three inches

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SKU: 1P 02US 1USA 01SQ 2OP 101ARRS 03 Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,

USAF Patch ANG 102 ARRS Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron CSAR 1980 HH 3E Jolly Green Giant HC 130P Combat King New York Air National Guard Suffolk County ANGB Fully embroidered merrowed edge 88mm by 77mm three and seven sixteenth inches by three inches.

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Assigned to 106 Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Group equipped with HH 3E Jolly Green Giant helicopters 1975 to 1990 and HC 130P Combat King Hercules aircraft 1975 to present. 102 ARRS was redesignated 102 Air Rescue Squadron on 1 October 1989 and then 102 Rescue Squadron on 1 October 1992. Following June 1996 Squadron conponents deployed as part of an Expeditionary unit are designated 102 Expeditionary Rescue Squadron. 


This patch dates from 1980.