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RAF Patch 229 OCU Operational Conversion Unit Royal Air Force Tornado F2 F3 Flight Suit Crest Patch 65 R Sqn 1984 embroidered on twill wool 115mm by 88mm four and one half inches by three and one half inches. Free Shipping
RAF Patch 229 OCU Operational Conversion Unit Royal Air Force Tornado F2 F3 Flight Suit Crest Patch 65 R Sqn 1984 embroidered on twill wool 115mm by 88mm four and one half inches by three and one half inches.
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Unit history 1968 1991
229 OCU Operational Conversion Unit was activated at RAF Leuchars on 15 December 1950 on the renaming of B and D Flights of 226 OCU to provide fighter pilot training with Vampire fighters. The Unit moved to RAF Chivenor on 28 March 1951 and reequipped with Sabre fighters. 229 OCU received Hunter fighters and in 1957 its training Squadrons were provided shadow designations to deliver front line capability in the event of war with 1 Training Squadron named 127 Squadron and 2 Training Squadron named 131 Squadron and one month later renumbered 145 Squadron. 127 Squadron was renumbered 234 Squadron in 1958. 145 Squadron was renamed 63 Squadron in 1963 and a third training Squadron was allocated to the OCU and named 79 Squadron in 1967. 229 OCUs Squadrons were took part in the attempts to ignite the oil spill from the Torrey Canyon in 1967. The OCU relocated to RAF Brawdy on 2 September 1974 where it was disbanded on being renamed Tactical Weapons Unit.
229 OCU Operational Conversion Unit was reactivated at RAF Coningsby on 1 November 1984 equipped with Tornado F 2 and F 3 fighters providing pilot training for the Tornado Air Defence and was provided the shadow designation of 65 Reserve Squadron from 31 December 1986 to deliver front line capability in the event of war. The unit was disbanded as 229 OCU and 65 Reserve Squadron on 1 July 1992 on redesignation as 56 Reserve Squadron.
This patch dates from the 1980s.